Website | Laura Larson

Implemented a lot of new (for me, back then) UX ideas I was learning at the time to keep everything simple and easily navigable. Definitely wanted to keep the design as minimal as possible to let the artwork and writing be the star of this show.

web Banners

Some banner ads I created during the freelance days…

website | Hekkmart

Designed and developed my earlier site on my own. It was a lot of work getting all the translations to switch in and out, coded by hand!

website | iBostonRealty

My site for iBoston Realty. With this site, I created a minimal modern design and user-friendly site that will also flex to work well on tablets.

Some old print design work…

streetball Poster Series

Type Specimen

Posters + page layouts

Did a ton of freelance design work for the Fullbridge program…

Postcards + promotions

Some print work for Trillium Software…

magazine layout
